Bombs Away Game

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Cow and Chicken Bombs Away! Is an old game from where you must control Cow and Chicken to bounce bombs across the fence. Original Description from Cartoon Network: Cow and Chicken in 'Bombs Away!' Jan 22, 2021 Bombs Away; No. 10 Lady Blazers Drain Season-High 14 Triples in 84-54 Victory Over Shorter. A bucket from Rouse tied the game at 12 for the fourth and final tie of the contest. Bombs Away LLC is a small business specializing in full scale, highly detailed, light-weight replica ordnance. Organizing as an LLC in 2003, Bombs Away now manufactures over 13 different types of highly detailed replica ordnance, ranging from US WWII aerial bombs, rockets and small munitions, to present day low drag series aerial bombs, and new for 2016, the AIM-9M Sidewinder missile.

UCI Computer Game Science Capstone
Fall 2019 - Winter 2020

  • Is a Minesweeper clone that brings the Windows classic game to DOS while including a decent range of difficulty options and high score settings. It plays well enough, with the left button activating a tile and the right button marking it.
  • Bombs Away is a single button action game. The player's plane flies repeatedly from left to right across the screen. The player determines when a bomb is dropped, trying to target ships sailing in three lanes at different speeds near the bottom of the screen. The player receives 15 bombs and must try to earn 40 points to get a free game.

by Penguin Digital


What is Bombs Away?

Bombs Away is a frantic station management game set aboard a steampunk airship bomber. The player is the lone crewman on a ship designed for 9 and must switch between the various stations to bomb targets, fly, shoot enemy airships, repair the ship just to name a few. The player can see every station simultaneously via a split screen camera system, allowing them to keep an eye on the rest of the ship while operating any one station. Bomb all target buildings while minimizing harm to innocent bystanders to get the high score.



  • Tab (hold & release) - Switch stations
  • Scroll wheel - Increase/Decrease window sizes
  • Q, E -Cycle through station screens
  • P / Esc - Pause menu


  • W - Set higher speed
  • S - Set lower speed
  • A - Turn left
  • D - Turn right
  • Right click - higher altitude
  • Left click - lower altitude


  • Left click - shoot
  • R - Reload


  • Space bar / Left click - Drop bomb


(non-green tanks cause ticking damage, green tanks heal a small amount over time, connect steam pipes to non-green tanks to fix them)

  • WASD - Move gear
  • Left/right click - rotate pipes at gear

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What is the fiction/narrative of the game?


The fiction of our game is that 2 as-of-yet unnamed large steampunk nations are in a stagnant war (e.g. WW1). The player controls a small group of crewmen aboard a bomber-class airship. The player must fly bombing missions with their crew in an effort to eliminate key targets of the enemy nation or to support friendly troops. However, as it is just 1 crew member, the player's impact on the total war will be somewhat small. This small contribution will help drive home the scale of the war, as well as hammer home that this war is a neigh-endless endeavor.

Blue print game.

What are the core gameplay/mechanics/genre of the game?

Camera switching

This is the key mechanic that the player will interact with. The player will be able to manually take over any particular station. The depth of the game comes from the operation of the 8 different stations.

Simple shooting/flying

The various stations will have their own mechanics, such as first-person shooting when manning the turrets, or basic flying when manning the pilot station. None of these mechanics are required to be exceptionally deep, as the player will often rely on the crewman AI to operate a station they are not focusing on.

Who is your ideal player of your game?

Free Online Games

Someone who enjoys the 'Keep all the plates spinning' style of game. Additionally, our perfect player should enjoy having a ton of info thrown at them (9 camera views, 8 for stations, and 1 overview) and quickly triaging that input into useful priorities. Also, the player should have some sense of morality, so that bombing a hospital (which will likely never be your target) makes them feel bad above just the negative gameplay consequences of a wasted bomb.


Bombs Away Board Game

Penguin Digital Team

Shaun Prince

  • Team lead
  • Initial concept and general game design
  • Designed/Programmed player controls, stations: flying, repair, map, bomb, radar detection, AA guns, camera scaling/positioning
  • Assisted on gun/bullet/missile
  • Follow on balance and playtesting
  • LinkedIn:

Ava Derevlany

  • Enemy AI - flying, shooting, spawning
  • Terrain generation - random terrain generation and terrain object population/spawning
  • Tweening - material fades/ animations, camera fades
  • Particle effects
  • Lighting
  • Updated are maintained task board, organized meetings
  • LinkedIn:

Victoria Barinova

  • 2D assets - backgrounds, parts, UI, controls page
  • Art direction, Main & Mission Menus
  • Selection Wheel UI and other partial UI element implementations
  • Shaders, materials
  • LinkedIn:

Karen Pham Slots vacation free coins.

  • 3D Models - buildings, trees, ships, bombs, pipes, stations: Radar, Map, Repair Pipes, Bomb Bay, Pilot
  • Implementing models
  • Assisted in general Art direction of the game
  • Sound Designs and Implementation
  • LinkedIn:

Gavin Mathew Dent

  • First Person shooting mechanics
  • Schematic Station Implementation
  • Sound Design and Implementation
  • Basic UI Elements
  • LinkedIn:

8 line slot. From left to right: Shaun Prince, Gavin Dent, Karen Pham, Ava Derevlany, and Victoria Barinova.

AuthorsPenguinDigital, GDent19, ShaunPrince, VikaB
Made withUnity, Blender, Adobe Photoshop
Tags3D, airship, Experimental, Immersive, Short, Singleplayer, Steampunk, Unity, War
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse

Install instructions

Download the top BombsAway zip file and unzip it. (Most recent build)

Launch Bombs Away.exe


Based on 0 user ratings
Page views: 1,140

Bombs Away Game


Bombs Away Game Kids On The Move

Single player
Bombs away slot machine

The fiction of our game is that 2 as-of-yet unnamed large steampunk nations are in a stagnant war (e.g. WW1). The player controls a small group of crewmen aboard a bomber-class airship. The player must fly bombing missions with their crew in an effort to eliminate key targets of the enemy nation or to support friendly troops. However, as it is just 1 crew member, the player's impact on the total war will be somewhat small. This small contribution will help drive home the scale of the war, as well as hammer home that this war is a neigh-endless endeavor.

Blue print game.

What are the core gameplay/mechanics/genre of the game?

Camera switching

This is the key mechanic that the player will interact with. The player will be able to manually take over any particular station. The depth of the game comes from the operation of the 8 different stations.

Simple shooting/flying

The various stations will have their own mechanics, such as first-person shooting when manning the turrets, or basic flying when manning the pilot station. None of these mechanics are required to be exceptionally deep, as the player will often rely on the crewman AI to operate a station they are not focusing on.

Who is your ideal player of your game?

Free Online Games

Someone who enjoys the 'Keep all the plates spinning' style of game. Additionally, our perfect player should enjoy having a ton of info thrown at them (9 camera views, 8 for stations, and 1 overview) and quickly triaging that input into useful priorities. Also, the player should have some sense of morality, so that bombing a hospital (which will likely never be your target) makes them feel bad above just the negative gameplay consequences of a wasted bomb.


Bombs Away Board Game

Penguin Digital Team

Shaun Prince

  • Team lead
  • Initial concept and general game design
  • Designed/Programmed player controls, stations: flying, repair, map, bomb, radar detection, AA guns, camera scaling/positioning
  • Assisted on gun/bullet/missile
  • Follow on balance and playtesting
  • LinkedIn:

Ava Derevlany

  • Enemy AI - flying, shooting, spawning
  • Terrain generation - random terrain generation and terrain object population/spawning
  • Tweening - material fades/ animations, camera fades
  • Particle effects
  • Lighting
  • Updated are maintained task board, organized meetings
  • LinkedIn:

Victoria Barinova

  • 2D assets - backgrounds, parts, UI, controls page
  • Art direction, Main & Mission Menus
  • Selection Wheel UI and other partial UI element implementations
  • Shaders, materials
  • LinkedIn:

Karen Pham Slots vacation free coins.

  • 3D Models - buildings, trees, ships, bombs, pipes, stations: Radar, Map, Repair Pipes, Bomb Bay, Pilot
  • Implementing models
  • Assisted in general Art direction of the game
  • Sound Designs and Implementation
  • LinkedIn:

Gavin Mathew Dent

  • First Person shooting mechanics
  • Schematic Station Implementation
  • Sound Design and Implementation
  • Basic UI Elements
  • LinkedIn:

8 line slot. From left to right: Shaun Prince, Gavin Dent, Karen Pham, Ava Derevlany, and Victoria Barinova.

AuthorsPenguinDigital, GDent19, ShaunPrince, VikaB
Made withUnity, Blender, Adobe Photoshop
Tags3D, airship, Experimental, Immersive, Short, Singleplayer, Steampunk, Unity, War
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse

Install instructions

Download the top BombsAway zip file and unzip it. (Most recent build)

Launch Bombs Away.exe


Based on 0 user ratings
Page views: 1,140

Bombs Away Game


Bombs Away Game Kids On The Move

Single player
640 × 350
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Need help running the game? Check our DOSBox Guide to run DOS games on modern computers. Review:Rating: 3.5
Bombs Away! is a Minesweeper clone that brings the Windows classic game to DOS while including a decent range of difficulty options and high score settings. It plays well enough, with the left button activating a tile and the right button marking it. There are five maze sizes ranging from 9x5 to 45x25 and also five difficulty settings which increase the number of bombs (mines) on the board. It has decent but small graphics and works fine for what it is.

Play Bombs Away! in Browser

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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down.

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Bombs Away!, #1303. Added to website: 2020-11-03. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.

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